Who is Adam Pann?
That could be a very philosophical question. At at high level I’m a software engineer based out of the San Francisco Bay Area. I grew up in the South Bay and went to school outside of Boston at Brandeis University. Where I studied CS, Business, and African & African American Studies.
Why did I make a website?
1. Websites are cool
I’ve been interested in having a personal website for a long time. I’ve had friends and coworkers who had personal websites that I thought were so cool. But I never felt that I had something worth putting on the web purely becasue I wanted to share it.
2. A good URL needs a good website
I’ve been paying for the url adampann.com for several years now without using it. When I was an intern at Wisk Aero a team member of mine, Kyle Thornton, wanted the url to his name but couldn’t because someone was hosting photos of their kid on it. He had created a yearly calendar event to remind himself to check if the URL was open. Seeing his struggle he convinced me to check if mine was avaible, it was. I bought it on the spot. I’ve been paying for it ever since.
Now I owned it but didn’t use it. How lame. I eventually started having my url be a redirect towards important matters like vote.org in the hope that if someone tries to go to my website while it’s not being used at least it might be good for socieity.
What should you (the reader) expect here.
I want this website to a place for me to post about all things I’m interested in. This ranges from programming and neovim to slacklining and photography.
When am I going to create new posts?
This we will have to wait an see. As topics seem interesting & my notes on them grow eventually they might become posts.
This one should be obvious… here. But incase you need somewhere else to checkout:
- Instagram, mostly with landscape photography but you never know what you’ll find :)
- Twitter not used as often as Instagram but I do use it to tweet at software engineers that I think are cool.
This site is hosted using Github pages & Jekyll